Pet lovers can never watch their dog or cat sleep outside of their home, some let them sleep beside them on their bed. Therefore pets peeing indoors can sometimes not be prevented especially to those who were not properly trained by their owners.
We want to have our pets with us always and at the same time, we want to keep our place clean and hygienic. Living alone can be a hassle cleaning up your carpet due to your pet’s pee, Christchurch has plenty of carpet cleaning services. Hire them for a day to remove the unwanted odor and stains from floor tiles and carpet.
Steps to Remove Pee Stain and Odour
Here are the steps and materials you need to prepare that will help remove the stain on floor tiles and carpet.
Step 1: Stain removing solution
Prepare a stain removing solution. You can buy it from the store or create a homemade solution. The first mixture is dishwashing soap with hot water. Use one and a half teaspoon of dishwashing soap and a cup of hot water, after mixing, pour the solution on to the stain.
The second mixture is vinegar and baking soda, mix one part of white vinegar to one part of water. Press firmly the stained area to remove your pet urine stain using a rag soaked with the vinegar solution. To completely remove the stain, pour the same mixture of vinegar on to the stained area. You can lessen the use of vinegar if the stain is not that big.
The third mixture is using oxygenated water with a little soap. With a teaspoon of soap and a cup of oxygenated water mix well together then using a damp cloth, apply to the urine the mixture and let dry. Using this mixture, you can apply it as many times as needed to completely remove the odor.
The fourth mixture is a combination of lemon juice and water. To use this, place water on the stain and rub it with lemon. You could also squeeze the lemon then directly pour the juice on the stained area.
Step 2: Wipe off the pee from the floor
Provide a mop that you will only use on your pet’s pee to prevent spreading the smell to other parts of your house. Wipe the pee using the mop before using the mixture you prefer using on the area.
Step 3: Use baking soda
Pour 3 tbsp. of baking soda onto the white vinegar on your floor. The two products will respond, causing some foaming results. This is not dangerous to you, your canine, or your tile floor.
Step 4: Use a paper towel or mop
To remove the baking soda and vinegar combination when it stops foaming, use a paper towel or mop dampened in clear water. Then allow the floor to air dry.
Step 5: Properly clean your mop
Never forget to clean your mop properly. After wiping the pee three to four times a day, change the water you use to rinse off the pee from your mop. This important step will prevent your mop from smelling like urine and will also prevent it from spreading the odor to other spots.
Wrapping Up!
Many of us like having and owning our own pets and peeing and pooping inside our home is inevitable, we should always be prepared with the materials needed if accidents happen. Prevention is better than cure and with that being said, it is better to teach your dog to pee outside but there are times where dogs accidentally pee indoors. Accidentally peeing inside will not be a problem if you find the perfect floor and carpet cleaning service in Christchurch.
Last Updated on March 15, 2024